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Transplant Cannabis Plants: When and How to Do It

Transplanting cannabis plants is an essential aspect of cultivation. It provides the plant with ample space, nutrients and enhances its overall growth rate. In this article, we will discuss the why, when and how of transplant cannabis plants.

Why transplant cannabis plants?
Transplanting cannabis plants is necessary for a healthy and successful growing season. A transplanted plant is given the opportunity to develop a more extensive root system, providing better access to nutrients and water. This will then lead to better plant growth, with larger yields at the end of the growing season.

When to transplant cannabis plants?
It is essential to involve yourself in checking and monitoring of your plants to determine when they are ready to be transplanted. It is also good to watch out for the growth rate of each plant.

Here are a few things to consider:

Size of the plant: Small seedlings usually require transplanting after two weeks of germination. They can grow to a considerable size, almost ten times bigger, within a week or two. Transplanting at this stage ensures the roots have enough room to grow, allow them to explore the new soil and provide better access to nutrients.

Roots coming out of the pot’s bottom: When you start seeing roots growing out of the bottom of the pot you’ve planted, it’s a sign that the plant has outgrown the current container. This is the best time to transplant.

Before flowering begins: Transplanting before flowering can benefit any cannabis plant. It helps the plant settle and focus on its development instead of worrying about its roots’ lack of space.

How to transplant cannabis plants?
Transplanting cannabis plants might seem daunting, but it is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to ensure your plant’s successful move:

Step One: Prepare the new pot

Prepare the new pot which should be no more than double the size of the current container. Ensure that it is also disinfected to prevent spread of any diseases from prior plant.

Step Two: Soil mixture

Fill the new pot with a mixture of soil and compost. These provide the plant with ample nutrients and promote healthy root development.

Step Three: Remove the plant

carefully remove the plant from its current container. The best method is to tilt the pot on its side and gently remove the plant by tapping the sides of the container.

Step Four: Place the plant in the new pot

Place the plant gently into the centre of the new pot and backfill it with the soil mixture. Gently pack the soil and ensure it is levelled.

Step Five: Watering the plant

Water the plant thoroughly to help it settle into its new home. Make sure the plant can drain well.

Transplanting cannabis plants is essential to ensure successful growth and maximize the yields in a growing season. This process is made easier by following the steps outlined in this article. By transplanting your cannabis plants at the right time and in the right way, you will give them the best chance to develop healthy and vibrant growth. So, enjoy your growing season and reap the benefits of your efforts.

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