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Cheese Auto Flower


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Category Details
Strain Type Hybrid (Indica Dominant)
Genetics Cheese x Ruderalis
Flowering Type Autoflowering
THC Content 15-18%
CBD Content Low (usually below 1%)
Height 60-120 cm (indoor and outdoor)
Flowering Time 8-10 weeks
Yield 300-450 g/m² (indoor), 50-150 g/plant (outdoor)
Aroma Pungent, Earthy, Cheese
Flavor Cheese, Earthy, Skunky
Effects Relaxed, Happy, Uplifted
Medical Uses Stress, Anxiety, Pain, Insomnia
Growing Difficulty Easy to Moderate
Climate Warm and Sunny
Indoor/Outdoor Suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation
Resistance High resistance to pests and mold
Nutrient Needs Requires regular feeding with balanced nutrients
Training Techniques Responds well to Low-Stress Training (LST) and light defoliation


Cheese Auto Flower

Cheese Auto Flower cannabis is a unique and popular strain that has captured the attention of both growers and consumers. The Cheese strain originates from the United Kingdom, where it gained fame in the 1980s for its distinctive, pungent aroma reminiscent of aged cheese. This strain quickly became a favorite due to its powerful aroma, potent effects, and high yields. The Cheese strain is known for its balanced hybrid nature, providing both euphoric and relaxing effects, making it suitable for a variety of users.

What sets Cheese Auto Flower cannabis apart is its auto-flowering characteristics. Auto-flowering cannabis strains are bred to transition from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage automatically, without the need for changes in light cycles. This is in contrast to traditional photoperiod strains, which require specific light schedules to initiate flowering. The introduction of auto-flowering genetics, often derived from the Cannabis ruderalis species, simplifies the cultivation process and shortens the growth cycle, making it more accessible for novice growers and those with limited space or resources.

Cheese Auto Flower cannabis combines the best of both worlds: the beloved traits of the Cheese strain with the convenience and speed of auto-flowering genetics. These plants typically have a shorter lifecycle, often ready for harvest in as little as 8-10 weeks from germination. This rapid growth cycle allows for multiple harvests within a single growing season, making it an efficient choice for many cultivators.

The popularity of Cheese Auto Flower cannabis can be attributed to its ease of cultivation, robust growth, and the distinctive sensory experience it offers. Its resilient nature makes it a suitable option for both indoor and outdoor growing environments. Additionally, the auto-flowering trait ensures that even those with less experience or time can successfully cultivate a high-quality crop. Whether you are a seasoned grower or a beginner, Cheese Auto Flower cannabis presents a rewarding and manageable cultivation experience.

Optimal Growing Conditions for Cheese Auto Flower

Growing Cheese Auto Flower cannabis requires a keen understanding of its specific environmental needs to achieve the best yield and quality. This strain thrives under well-balanced light cycles, with indoor growers typically employing a 20/4 light-to-dark ratio. This means 20 hours of light followed by 4 hours of darkness, which optimizes the plant’s growth and flowering phases. Outdoor growers, however, should ensure that the plants receive ample sunlight, which can be a challenge in less sunny climates.

Temperature control is vital for Cheese Auto Flower. The ideal temperature range is between 21-29°C during the day and slightly cooler at night. Maintaining this range helps prevent stress and supports robust growth. Humidity should also be carefully managed, with levels kept around 40-50% during the vegetative stage and reduced to 30-40% during flowering to prevent mold and mildew.

Soil quality is another critical factor. Cheese Auto Flower prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter. A mix containing peat moss, perlite, and compost can provide the necessary nutrients and structure. Fertilization should be balanced, with a focus on nitrogen during the vegetative stage and phosphorus and potassium during flowering. Using organic fertilizers can enhance the terpene profile, contributing to the strain’s distinctive aroma and flavor.

Indoor growers may also face challenges with space as Cheese Auto Flower can grow quite bushy. Regular pruning and training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) can help manage plant size and light exposure. For outdoor cultivation, protection from pests and harsh weather conditions is crucial. Employing natural pest control methods and providing shelter can mitigate these risks.

Common challenges include nutrient deficiencies and overwatering. Ensuring a proper watering schedule and using high-quality nutrients can prevent these issues. Additionally, monitoring pH levels in the soil can help maintain optimal nutrient absorption. By adhering to these guidelines, growers can cultivate healthy Cheese Auto Flower plants, achieving maximum potency and yield.

Step-by-Step Growing Guide

Growing Cheese Auto Flower cannabis involves several critical stages, each requiring unique care and attention. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from germination to harvest, ensuring you achieve a successful yield.


Start by germinating your Cheese Auto Flower seeds. Place the seeds between damp paper towels or in a glass of water. Maintain a temperature of 21-29°C and ensure they remain moist. Germination typically takes 24-72 hours. Once roots appear, transfer the seeds to a growing medium.

Seedling Stage

After germination, the seedling stage begins. Plant your seeds in small pots filled with a light, aerated soil mix. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, watering lightly once or twice a day. Provide 18-24 hours of light daily using LED or CFL grow lights. This stage lasts about 2-3 weeks. Monitor for yellowing leaves or stretching, which may indicate light or nutrient issues.

Vegetative Stage

During the vegetative stage, your Cheese Auto Flower plants will focus on growing leaves and stems. This phase usually lasts 3-4 weeks. Increase the light intensity and continue with 18-24 hours of light. Water the plants deeply but infrequently, ensuring the soil dries out between watering. Implement pruning techniques, such as topping or low-stress training (LST), to encourage bushy growth and better light penetration. Monitor for pests and diseases, and apply organic pest control methods if necessary.

Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is when your Cheese Auto Flower plants will develop buds. This stage lasts 5-7 weeks. Reduce the light schedule to 12-18 hours daily to stimulate flowering. Increase the phosphorus and potassium levels in your feeding schedule to support bud development. Be vigilant about humidity levels, keeping them around 40-50% to prevent mold. Regularly inspect for pests and apply treatments promptly. Prune any large fan leaves that block light to the buds.


When the majority of the pistils have turned amber and the trichomes are milky white or amber, it’s time to harvest. This typically occurs around 10-12 weeks from seed. Cut the plants at the base and hang them upside down in a dark, well-ventilated space to dry. After drying for 7-10 days, trim the buds and cure them in glass jars for 2-4 weeks, opening the jars daily to allow moisture to escape.

By following this step-by-step guide, you will be able to grow healthy, high-yielding Cheese Auto Flower cannabis plants. Each stage requires attention and care, but the rewards of a successful harvest are well worth the effort.

Harvesting and Curing Cheese Auto Flower

Optimal harvesting and curing techniques are pivotal for maximizing the potency and flavor of Cheese Auto Flower cannabis. Identifying the right time to harvest is crucial. One of the primary indicators is the state of the trichomes. These tiny, crystal-like structures on the buds transition from clear to a milky white and then to an amber color as the plant matures. Harvesting should ideally occur when the majority of trichomes are milky, with some turning amber, indicating peak potency and flavor.

Buds also offer visual cues. When the pistils—small hair-like structures—change from white to a reddish-brown hue and start to curl inwards, it signifies readiness. Furthermore, the overall foliage should begin to fade from green to yellow, indicating that the plant is reaching the end of its lifecycle.

Once the decision to harvest is made, proceed with cutting the plant at the base, ideally during the early morning when terpenes, responsible for flavor and aroma, are at their peak concentration. After cutting, trim away any large fan leaves, but leave the smaller sugar leaves intact for the drying process.

Drying is a delicate phase that demands a controlled environment. Hang the branches upside down in a dark room with temperatures maintained between 15-21°C and humidity levels around 45-55%. Proper airflow is crucial, so ensure the space is well-ventilated. The drying process typically takes 7-10 days, depending on the environmental conditions.

Curing follows drying and is essential for refining the flavors and enhancing the smoothness of the smoke. Place the dried buds in airtight glass jars, filling them about three-quarters full to allow some air space. Store the jars in a cool, dark place, opening them daily for the first two weeks to release moisture and allow fresh air in—a process known as “burping.” This phase can last from two weeks to several months, depending on the desired quality.

For long-term storage, keep the cured buds in a cool, dark environment, ideally in glass jars with humidity packs to maintain a stable humidity level. This will ensure that the Cheese Auto Flower cannabis retains its potency and flavor over an extended period.

Pack of Seeds

3 Seeds Pack, 6 Seeds Pack


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