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Chronic Ryder Auto Flower (Dr Choice)


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ategory Details
Strain Type Hybrid (Indica/Sativa balance)
Genetics Chronic x Lowryder #2
Flowering Type Autoflowering
THC Content 12-16%
CBD Content Low (usually below 1%)
Height 50-80 cm (indoor and outdoor)
Flowering Time 9-10 weeks
Yield 350-450 g/m² (indoor), 40-80 g/plant (outdoor)
Aroma Sweet, Earthy, Pine
Flavor Sweet, Earthy, Woody
Effects Relaxed, Happy, Euphoric
Medical Uses Stress, Anxiety, Pain, Depression
Growing Difficulty Easy to Moderate
Climate Warm and Sunny
Indoor/Outdoor Suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation
Resistance High resistance to pests and mold
Nutrient Needs Requires regular feeding with balanced nutrients
Training Techniques Responds well to Low-Stress Training (LST) and Sea of Green (SOG)
Harvest Time (Outdoor) Late September to early October
Pot Size (Indoor) 2-3 gallons (7-11 liters)

Chronic Ryder Autoflower

Chronic Ryder Auto flower is a highly favored strain among cannabis growers for its unique characteristics and ease of cultivation. This strain is a hybrid, typically a cross between Ruderalis and high-quality Indica or Sativa strains. The integration of Ruderalis genetics brings the distinctive trait of autoflowering, meaning the plant transitions from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage automatically, independent of light cycle changes. This feature simplifies the growing process, making it particularly appealing to both novice and experienced cultivators.

One of the standout features of Chronic Ryder Auto flower is its rapid growth cycle. Unlike traditional photoperiod strains that require specific light schedules to flower, autoflowering varieties, including Chronic Ryder, complete their life cycle in a shorter timeframe, often within 8-10 weeks from seed to harvest. This quick turnaround time allows growers to achieve multiple harvests in a single growing season, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Chronic Ryder Autoflower is also renowned for its resilience and adaptability. The Ruderalis genetics contribute to its hardiness, enabling it to thrive in various environmental conditions. This strain is less susceptible to common growing issues such as pests and mold, making it a dependable choice for outdoor cultivation in diverse climates. Additionally, its compact and discreet stature makes it suitable for indoor growing, where space may be limited.

Another reason for the popularity of Chronic Ryder Auto flower is its balanced effects. Depending on the specific Indica or Sativa lineage, it can offer a harmonious blend of relaxation and euphoria, catering to both medicinal and recreational users. The strain typically produces dense, resinous buds with a potent aroma and flavor profile, further enhancing its appeal among cannabis enthusiasts.

In summary, Chronic Ryder Auto flower stands out as a versatile and easy-to-grow strain, prized for its autoflowering capability, rapid growth cycle, and robust nature. These qualities, combined with its potent effects and aromatic buds, make it a top choice for growers looking to maximize yield and quality with minimal effort.

Optimal Growing Conditions

Growing Chronic Ryder Auto flower successfully hinges on creating the right environment. The ideal temperature range for this strain is between 21-29°C. Maintaining these temperatures is crucial for optimal growth and to prevent stress or damage to the plants. Equally important is the humidity level, which should be kept between 40-50% during the vegetative stage and reduced to 30-40% during the flowering stage to avoid mold and mildew issues.

The choice of soil or growing medium plays a pivotal role in the health of Chronic Ryder Auto flower plants. A well-aerated, nutrient-rich soil with good drainage is recommended. Many growers opt for a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and compost to create a balanced medium. Alternatively, hydroponic systems can be used, offering better control over nutrient delivery and potentially faster growth rates.

Lighting is another critical factor. While natural sunlight is ideal, especially for outdoor growers, it’s not always a feasible option. Indoor growers should use full-spectrum LED lights, which provide the necessary wavelengths for both vegetative and flowering stages. Ensure the lights are kept at an appropriate distance to avoid light burn while still providing sufficient illumination. Typically, 18-20 hours of light per day is recommended during the vegetative stage, transitioning to 12 hours during flowering.

Proper nutrient management is essential for robust growth. During the vegetative stage, a nitrogen-rich fertilizer will support leaf and stem development. As the plant transitions to the flowering stage, a phosphorus and potassium-rich nutrient mix will promote bud formation and density. Regular watering is vital, but overwatering should be avoided. It’s best to water when the top inch of the soil feels dry, ensuring proper moisture without waterlogging the roots.

By adhering to these optimal growing conditions, cultivators can maximize the health and yield of Chronic Ryder Autoflowering cannabis plants, ensuring a successful and rewarding growing experience.

Growth Stages and Care Tips

The lifecycle of the Chronic Ryder Autoflower cannabis plant is divided into several critical stages: germination, seedling, vegetative, and flowering. Each stage requires specific care to ensure optimal growth and maximum yields.


Germination marks the beginning of the cannabis plant’s lifecycle. Start by soaking the seeds in water for 24 hours, then transfer them to a damp paper towel. Maintain a warm, dark environment to facilitate sprouting. Within 1-3 days, the seeds should crack open, revealing tiny roots. At this point, they’re ready to be planted in your chosen medium.

Seedling Stage

Once the seeds have germinated, they enter the seedling stage, lasting about 2-3 weeks. During this phase, it’s crucial to provide ample light (18-24 hours daily) and maintain a balanced humidity level of around 60-70%. Use a gentle nutrient solution to avoid nutrient burn, as seedlings are particularly sensitive. Monitor for pests and diseases, and ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

Vegetative Stage

The vegetative stage spans 3-4 weeks, during which the plant focuses on growing leaves and stems. Light exposure should remain at 18-24 hours daily, with humidity levels reduced to 50-70%. Nutrient needs increase, so introduce a balanced feeding schedule with higher nitrogen content. Employ pruning techniques like topping and LST (Low-Stress Training) to encourage bushier growth and maximize light exposure. Watch for signs of nutrient deficiencies, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, and adjust feeding accordingly.

Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is the final phase, lasting 6-8 weeks. During this period, the light cycle should be adjusted to 12-16 hours daily, and humidity should be further reduced to 40-50% to prevent mold. Shift to a nutrient solution with higher phosphorus and potassium content to support bud development. Regularly inspect for pests and diseases, and maintain proper airflow around the plants to minimize the risk of mold and bud rot. Flushing the plants with pure water during the last week of flowering can enhance the final product’s taste and smoothness.

By adhering to these care tips throughout each growth stage, growers can maximize the health and productivity of their Chronic Ryder Auto flower cannabis plants, leading to a successful and bountiful harvest.

Harvesting and Post-Harvest Processing

Harvesting Chronic Ryder Auto flower cannabis at the right time is crucial for ensuring the highest quality buds. One of the primary indicators of readiness is the color change in the trichomes. These tiny, crystal-like structures on the buds and leaves should shift from clear to a milky white, with some turning amber. This color transformation signals optimal THC levels and potency. Additionally, the overall appearance of the plant, such as yellowing leaves and the browning of pistils, provides further confirmation that the harvest window is open.

Once the plants are ready, carefully cut the branches and remove any large fan leaves. The next step is to dry the buds, a process that should be conducted in a dark, well-ventilated space with a temperature of 15-21°C and a humidity level of 45-55%. Hang the branches upside down or use drying racks, ensuring that air circulates freely around the buds. This drying phase usually takes between 7 to 14 days, depending on environmental conditions and bud density.

After drying, curing is the next essential step. Place the dried buds in airtight glass jars, filling them about 75% full to allow some air exchange. Store these jars in a cool, dark place and open them daily for the first week to release moisture and introduce fresh air. This process, known as “burping,” helps to prevent mold growth and enhances the flavor and potency of the cannabis. Curing should ideally continue for at least two weeks, although many growers prefer a longer period of up to eight weeks for optimal results.

Proper storage is vital to maintain the longevity and quality of your Chronic Ryder Auto flower cannabis. Keep the cured buds in airtight containers, stored in a cool, dark place to protect against light and temperature fluctuations. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your harvest retains its potency, flavor, and aroma for an extended periods.

Pack of Seed

1 Seed Pack, 3 Seeds Pack


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