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Growing Cannabis Outdoor in Indian Hot Summer


Growing cannabis outdoor in the scorching Indian summer comes with its unique set of challenges and considerations. From managing the intense heat to preventing pest infestations, setting up an effective feeding schedule, and ensuring the health of young plants, successful cultivation requires careful planning and execution. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for growers looking to cultivate cannabis in the outdoor environment during the hot Indian summer.

  1. Selecting the Right Strain:

Choosing the right cannabis strain is crucial when growing growing cannabis outdoors in a hot climate. Opt for strains that are well-suited for warm temperatures and have a high tolerance for heat stress. Indica-dominant or hybrid strains with genetics adapted to hot climates are often preferable.

  1. Precautions for Hot Summer Growing:

a. Shade and Ventilation: Protecting your plants from excessive sunlight is essential. Consider using shade cloth or natural shading techniques during the hottest part of the day. Adequate ventilation is also crucial to prevent heat buildup.

b. Watering: The intense heat can lead to rapid water evaporation. Ensure a consistent watering schedule, preferably during the cooler parts of the day, to keep the soil moisture levels stable.

c. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to retain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and suppress weed growth.

  1. Pest Management:

The hot Indian summer can attract various pests, including spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. Implement the following measures to manage pest infestations:

a. Neem Oil: Neem oil is a natural pesticide that can be used to deter and control pests. Regularly spray a diluted neem oil solution on your plants to keep pests at bay.

b. Companion Plants: Integrate companion plants such as marigolds and basil, known for their pest-repelling properties, into your garden to help protect cannabis plants.

  1. Feeding Schedule:

Establishing a feeding schedule is crucial for the healthy growth of plants when growing cannabis outdoor . During the hot summer months, nutrients can be depleted more rapidly, so consider the following:

a. Balanced Nutrients: Provide a balanced mix of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to support vegetative and flowering stages.

b. Slow-Release Fertilizers: Consider using slow-release fertilizers to provide a steady supply of nutrients over an extended period.

  1. Taking Care of Young Plants:

Young cannabis plants are more susceptible to environmental stress. To care for them in the hot summer:

a. Gradual Acclimatization: Gradually expose seedlings or clones to outdoor conditions to help them acclimatize to the higher temperatures.

b. Adequate Watering: Ensure young plants receive sufficient water, paying attention to any signs of wilting or stress.

  1. Managing Plant Height:

During the long vegetation period in hot climates, cannabis plants can grow tall quickly. To manage plant height effectively:

a. Training Techniques: Implement low-stress training (LST) and high-stress training (HST) techniques to control plant shape and height. This includes bending and tying down branches to encourage a bushier growth pattern.

b. Topping: Regularly top your plants to promote lateral growth and control vertical growth. This helps maintain an even canopy and prevents plants from becoming too tall.


Cultivating cannabis outdoor in the hot Indian summer requires careful planning and a proactive approach to address specific challenges. By selecting the right strains, implementing pest management strategies, establishing a feeding schedule, and employing techniques to care for young plants and manage plant height, growers can optimize their chances of a successful harvest. With proper attention to detail, cultivating cannabis in the Indian summer can yield robust and high-quality plants.

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