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Cannabis non soil vs soil farming, Differences and Advantages

Cannabis cultivation has seen a significant evolution over the years, with advancements in technology and research transforming traditional soil-based cultivation methods. Non-soil grow systems, such as hydroponics and aeroponics, have gained popularity due to their numerous advantages over soil-based cultivation. In this blog, we will explore the importance of using specific fertilizers in non-soil cannabis cultivation, compare it to soil-based cultivation, and highlight the reasons why fertilizers work much better in non-soil setups. Additionally, we will discuss the issue of infestations and how they differ between soil and non-soil grow systems. Before delving into the world of non-soil cannabis cultivation, let’s briefly touch on some keywords and the significance of cannabis seeds banks in India, with a special mention of Zen Seeds Bank.

  1. The Significance of Cannabis Seeds Banks in India

Cannabis seeds are the foundation of any cannabis cultivation venture. Without high-quality seeds, achieving optimal yields and potency becomes challenging. In India, where the cannabis market is gaining momentum for medicinal and recreational purposes, the availability of reliable cannabis seeds banks is crucial. One such prominent name is Zen Seeds Bank, a reputable institution known for providing premium cannabis seeds to enthusiasts and cultivators across India. The seeds from Zen Seeds Bank are known for their genetic stability, high germination rates, and diverse strains, making them ideal for both soil and non-soil cultivation methods.

2. Understanding Non-Soil Cannabis Cultivation

Traditional soil-based cannabis cultivation has been the norm for centuries, but non-soil methods have revolutionized the industry. In non-soil cultivation, plants receive essential nutrients from a nutrient solution mixed with water, eliminating the need for soil. Two popular non-soil systems are hydroponics and aeroponics. In hydroponics, plants grow in an inert medium like perlite or clay pellets, while their roots are immersed in a nutrient-rich water solution. Aeroponics, on the other hand, involves suspending plant roots in air while providing nutrients through a fine mist. The absence of soil in non-soil cultivation allows for better control over nutrient uptake and a more efficient use of fertilizers.

3. The Difference between Growing Cannabis in Soil and Non-Soil

3.1 Nutrient Accessibility and Control

In soil-based cultivation, the nutrients are present in the soil, and the plant roots need to extend and search for them. This can lead to uneven nutrient distribution and sometimes, nutrient deficiencies. Conversely, non-soil systems provide a constant supply of nutrients directly to the roots, ensuring that the plants receive a well-balanced diet throughout their lifecycle. This control over nutrient delivery enhances plant health and accelerates growth, ultimately resulting in higher yields.

3.2 Water and Resource Efficiency

Non-soil cultivation methods are significantly more water-efficient compared to soil-based systems. In soil, water tends to pool around the root zone, increasing the risk of overwatering and promoting anaerobic conditions that may harm the plants. Non-soil systems, however, use water more efficiently as it is delivered directly to the roots, reducing water wastage and minimizing the risk of overwatering.

3.3 pH and Nutrient Balance

In soil-based cultivation, maintaining the correct pH and nutrient balance can be challenging, especially when using organic fertilizers. Soil composition can vary, making it difficult to predict nutrient availability. In contrast, non-soil systems allow precise control over the nutrient solution’s pH and composition, enabling cultivators to tailor the mix to the plant’s specific needs.

4. Why Fertilizers Work Better in Non-Soil Grow

4.1 Enhanced Absorption

In non-soil grow systems, fertilizers are dissolved in water and directly delivered to the plant roots, resulting in quicker and more efficient absorption. The plants can focus on growth and development instead of expending energy on root expansion in search of nutrients. As a result, non-soil cultivation generally yields faster growth rates and improved nutrient utilization.

4.2 Reduced Nutrient Waste

Soil-based cultivation can lead to nutrient leaching, where excess nutrients are washed away with excess water, potentially polluting the surrounding environment. Non-soil systems reduce nutrient waste by delivering precise amounts of nutrients directly to the plant, minimizing environmental impact and saving money on fertilizers.

4.3 Tailored Nutrient Solutions

Different growth stages of cannabis require varying nutrient ratios. Non-soil cultivation allows growers to adjust the nutrient solution according to the plant’s needs at different stages, ensuring optimal growth and maximizing yields. This level of precision is challenging to achieve in soil-based systems.

5. Infestation Problems: Soil vs. Non-Soil Grow

5.1 Soil-Based Infestations

Soil cultivation is susceptible to various pest and disease issues due to the presence of organic matter, which can act as a breeding ground for pathogens. Insect pests, fungi, and bacteria can all thrive in soil, leading to infestations that may damage or destroy cannabis crops. Controlling soil-based infestations can be challenging, requiring the use of chemical pesticides that might affect plant health and the environment.

5.2 Non-Soil Infestations

Non-soil grow systems significantly reduce the risk of soil-borne infestations since there is no soil medium for pathogens to inhabit. By using a sterile growing medium and a clean nutrient solution, cultivators can minimize the risk of infestations and promote healthier plant growth. Additionally, non-soil systems offer better aeration and air circulation, further deterring the development of certain pests and diseases.


In conclusion, non-soil cannabis cultivation offers a host of benefits compared to traditional soil-based methods. By using specific fertilizers in non-soil grow systems, cultivators can achieve superior nutrient control, water efficiency, and tailored nutrient solutions. The use of Zen Seeds Bank’s high-quality cannabis seeds ensures a strong foundation for a successful cannabis cultivation venture. Furthermore, non-soil cultivation reduces the risk of infestations, providing growers with a healthier and more sustainable approach to cannabis cultivation.

As the cannabis market continues to evolve, embracing innovative cultivation techniques like non-soil grow systems will undoubtedly shape the future of cannabis production in India and beyond. By harnessing the potential of specific fertilizers in non-soil cultivation, cultivators can optimize their yields, achieve higher potency, and contribute to the growth of the cannabis industry in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner.

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